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September Newsletter

September Newsletter

Wow! Just like that summer is fading, a new season will soon be starting, and a new School Year is beginning! We cannot wait to see our children’s smiling faces after their first day of school, the excitement of new Families joining us, and the leaves changing....
August Newsletter

August Newsletter

Wow! Can you believe we are in August already, summer sure has gone fast. We’ve had so much fun enjoying the outdoors, taking some trips, but can’t wait to see what the rest of the summer brings. Please look over the calendar out front for field trips so...
July Newsletter

July Newsletter

Summer is off to a great start! Can’t believe June is over and we are onto July. In June we Welcomed a new staff member to our team Adesia! She’ll be working with our School age kiddos this summer.  Quick reminders with summer here, please make sure you...
April Newsletter

April Newsletter

How is it already April? March went by to fast. We enjoyed so many good books throughout the month by some great Authors. We enjoyed trying to catch that little Leprechaun maybe we will get him next year! Can’t for get hunting for eggs. We are ready for the...
March Newsletter

March Newsletter

With March upon us these smiles can’t wait for warmer weather. With the temps warming up and snow melting the playgrounds tend to get muddy, so make sure your kiddo has extra clothes and make sure we are taking home out door gear home on the weekends to get...